13 September 2015



# Airbrussh is a replacement log formatter for SSHKit that makes your Capistrano output much easier on the eyes
gem "airbrussh", :require => false


require "airbrussh/capistrano"


# Remove this
set :format, :pretty

Airbrussh.configure do |config|
  # Capistrano's default, un-airbrusshed output is saved to a file to
  # facilitate debugging.
  # To disable this entirely:
  # config.log_file = nil
  # Default:
  config.log_file = "log/capistrano.log"

  # Airbrussh patches Rake so it can access the name of the currently executing
  # task. Set this to false if monkey patching is causing issues.
  # Default:
  config.monkey_patch_rake = true

  # Ansi colors will be used in the output automatically based on whether the
  # output is a TTY, or if the SSHKIT_COLOR environment variable is set.
  # To disable color always:
  # config.color = false
  # Default:
  config.color = :auto

  # Output is automatically truncated to the width of the terminal window, if
  # possible. If the width of the terminal can't be determined, no truncation
  # is performed.
  # To truncate to a fixed width:
  # config.truncate = 80
  # Or to disable truncation entirely:
  # config.truncate = false
  # Default:
  config.truncate = :auto

  # If a log_file is configured, airbrussh will output a message at startup
  # displaying the log_file location.
  # To always disable this message:
  # config.banner = false
  # To display an alternative message:
  # config.banner = "Hello, world!"
  # Default:
  config.banner = :auto

  # You can control whether airbrussh shows the output of SSH commands. For
  # brevity, the output is hidden by default.
  # Display stdout of SSH commands. Stderr is not displayed.
  config.command_output = :stdout
  # Display stderr of SSH commands. Stdout is not displayed.
  # config.command_output = :stderr
  # Display all SSH command output.
  # config.command_output = [:stdout, :stderr]
  # or
  # config.command_output = true
  # Default (all output suppressed):
  # config.command_output = false

For brevity, airbrussh mutes all output (stdout and stderr) of commands by default. To show all output, add this to your deploy.rb (see also the other configuration options later in this README):

Airbrussh.configure do |config|
  config.command_output = true