08 September 2015
      A---B---C localb
D---E---F---G master ---H---I---J origin/master

* a09ab50 (origin/master, origin/HEAD) again modified two lines in deploy.rake
* c45186b modified two lines in deploy.rake
* 33fd82a Send email to maker and surfer while buy booing service and find food by menu and type
* 8d76de0 Solved issue on maker page and send email while book maker food.
* 4766b1e (master) blog page with comming soon mssage

[master] git fetch
[master] git diff master origin/master
[master] git merge origin/master
Updating 4766b1e..a09ab50
... list of files ...
[master] git checkout localb
[localb] git rebase master
==> ... conflicts ...
Resolve conflicts and 
[localb] git add files
[localb] git rebase --continue
==> ... conflicts ...
Resolve conflicts and 
[localb] git add files
[localb] git rebase --continue

              A'--B'--C' localb
D---E---F---G master

* a09ab50 (HEAD, origin/master, origin/HEAD, master) again modified two lines in deploy.rake
* c45186b modified two lines in deploy.rake
* 33fd82a Send email to maker and surfer while buy booing service and find food by menu and type
* 8d76de0 Solved issue on maker page and send email while book maker food.
* 4766b1e blog page with comming soon mssage