06 October 2015

Source: https://raygun.io/blog/2015/06/useful-javascript-debugging-tips-you-didnt-know/?utm_source=JSNewsletter25&utm_medium=SponsoredLink&utm_campaign=CooperPressSept15

##Quick find your DOM elements. Mark elements and quickly find them in console with $0, $1, .. up to $4

##Display object as tables write console.table(variable) in JS code to see it like table in JS console

##Get the stack trace for a function in JS console write trace var

##Quick find a function to debug in console write debug(function-name)

##Black box scripts that are NOT relevant source: https://raygun.io/blog/2015/05/javascript-debugging-with-black-box/

##Find the important things in complex debugging

console.todo = function( msg){
    console.log( '%c %s %s %s ', 'color: yellow; background-color: black;', '--', msg, '--');
console.important = function( msg){
    console.log( '%c%s %s %s', 'color: brown; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;', '--', msg, '--');
console.todo("This is something that's need to be fixed");
console.important('This is an important message');