Redirect the output using > (replace) or » (append)
The cat command is short for catenate, and displays the contents of a file on screen. Usage: cat filename.txt
The tail command displays the last 10 lines of a file on screen. Press “q” to exit. Usage: tail filename.txt
The head command displays the first 10 lines of a file on screen. Press “q” to exit. Usage: head filename.txt
The echo command repeats any text that comes after it back to the screen. Usage: echo hello world
The paste command puts the lines from two files together, side by side (by default) or serially. Usage: paste file1.txt file2.txt
The sort command sorts the contents of a file, alphabetically by default. Usage: sort file1.txt
The sed command is used to search for and replace characters. Usage: sed ‘s/term/replacement/flag’ file where “term” is the character(s) you are replacing, and “replacement” is the character(s) you are replacing it with. If no flag is given, the first instance of “term” is replaced, if the “g” flag is given all instances are replaced.