12 August 2015


Shell modes

See source for more info on other shells

Which initialization files get sourced by the shell is dependent on the combination of modes in which a particular shell process runs. There are two main, non-exclusive modes:

login - e.g. when user logs in to a system with non-graphical interface or via SSH;
interactive - shell that has a prompt and whose standard input and error are both connected to terminals.

These modes can be manually activated with the following flags to bash/zsh:

-l, --login

Here are some common operations and shell modes they result in:

log in to a remote system via SSH: login + interactive
execute a script remotely, e.g. ssh user@host 'echo $PWD' or with Capistrano: non‑login, non‑interactive
execute a script remotely and request a terminal, e.g. ssh user@host -t 'echo $PWD': non-login, interactive
start a new shell process, e.g. bash: non‑login, interactive
run a script, bash myscript.sh: non‑login, non‑interactive
run an executable with #!/usr/bin/env bash shebang: non‑login, non‑interactive
open a new graphical terminal window/tab:
    on Mac OS X: login, interactive
    on Linux: non‑login, interactive

Shell init files

In order of activation:


login mode:
    ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, ~/.profile (only first one that exists)
interactive non-login:
    /etc/bash.bashrc (some Linux; not on Mac OS X)
    source file in $BASH_ENV

Practical guide to which files get sourced when

Opening a new Terminal window/tab:
        OS X: .bash_profile or .profile (1st found)
        Linux: .profile (Ubuntu, once per desktop login session) + .bashrc
Logging into a system via SSH:
    bash: .bash_profile or .profile (1st found)
Executing a command remotely with ssh or Capistrano:
    bash: source file in $BASH_ENV
Remote git hook triggered by push over SSH:
    no init files get sourced, since hooks are running within a restricted shell
    PATH will be roughly: /usr/libexec/git-core:/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin