13 July 2015
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RailsGirls installation scripts

NodeJS and npm

Install Node via NVM. See: NodeJS proper installation

$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.22.2/install.sh | bash

Restart terminal shell

$ nvm install 0.10   --or -- nvm install stable

To use NodeJS

$ nvm use stable

To set a default Node version to be used in any new shell, use the alias 'default':

$ nvm alias default stable

Test node installation

// hello_node.js
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
  res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
  res.end('Hello Node.js\n');
}).listen(8124, "");
console.log('Server running at');

Production server with Unicorn & nginx

Uninstall RVM

sudo rvm implode
sudo rm -rf /etc/rvmrc /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh /usr/local/rvm

Install RVM & Ruby

Add user to sudoers list

  usermod -a -G wheel alfredo
  => alfredo is sudoer

rvm ⇒ ver instrucciones en https://rvm.io/

Source: http://railsapps.github.io/installrubyonrails-ubuntu.html

$ \curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby

If it fails, follow the given instruction to download keys and try again.

Reopen terminal shell.

Generate ri documentation (recomended)

$ rvm docs generate-ri

https://coderwall.com/p/ttrhow/deploying-rails-app-using-nginx-puma-and-capistrano-3 Install rvm, ruby and rubygems:

curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
rvm requirements
rvm install 2.1.0
rvm use 2.1.0 --default
rvm rubygems current

Upgrade rvm

rvm get head

Integrating RVM with Gnome-terminal

For RVM to work properly, you have to check the 'Run command as login shell' checkbox on the Title and Command tab of gnome-terminal's Edit ▸ Profile Preferences menu dialog, in case the menu is missing right click the terminal app and navigate Profiles ▸ Profile Preferences.

Recomended install gem nokogiri (Rails install Nokogiri)

This is a basic gem that many others depend on and it takes time to install it. So, it's recomended install it in advance in the global gemset:

$ gem install nokogiri


$ gem install rails


Create new gemset for the application

rvm gemset create <appname>
rvm gemset use <appname>

Remove gemset:

rvm gemset delete <name>

It is a good idea to use RVM, the Ruby Version Manager, and create a project-specific rvm gemset.

$ rvm gemset list
$ rvm gemset use global

To list the gems installed by RVM:

rvm all do gem list
rvm <ruby version> do gem list

To list the gems installed by bundle in the application:

bundle list

Create configurations files .ruby-version & .ruby-gemset

Source: https://rvm.io/workflow/projects#project-file-ruby-version

To create both files in the project folder:

$ rvm --ruby-version use 2.2.0@my_app --create

Use the corresponding Ruby versión and app name. Append –create if the gems doesn't exist yet.

Postgres gem in fedora

Gem::Ext::BuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
yum install /usr/include/libpq-fe.h

Updating an existing app

  1. Create .ruby-version and .ruby-gemset files
  2. Change Ruby versión in Gemfile
  3. Bundle update

Update GEMs

Update only one gem

bundle update ––source gemname

Update one gem and its dependencies

bundle update gemname

Update everthing

bundle update


git config --global color.ui true
git config --global user.name "Alfredo"
git config --global user.email "alfredo.roca.mas@gmail.com"
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "alfredo.roca.mas@gmail.com"

The next step is to take the newly generated SSH key and add it to your Github account. You want to copy and paste the output of the following command and paste it here.

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

Once you've done this, you can check and see if it worked:

ssh -T git@github.com

You should get a message like this:

Hi excid3! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

Installing PostgreSQL Server locally -- ubuntu

Source: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostgreSQL

sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
sudo apt-get install pgadmin3
sudo -u postgres psql postgres
# \password postgres  --> enter password for user postgres
sudo -u postgres psql

Edit pg_hba.conf … Ask pg where the file is…

postgres=# show hba_file;
(1 row)

… change method peer by md5

# Database administrative login by Unix domain socket
local   all             postgres                                md5
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql reload

Create new postrges user with password

$ sudo -u postgres psql postgres
postgres=# CREATE USER username WITH PASSWORD 'password';
postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE database TO username;

See also:

Install postreSQL -- fedora

Postgres en Fedora 20

Date: 28/2/2015


como root

  yum localinstall http://yum.postgresql.org/9.4/fedora/fedora-20-i686/pgdg-fedora94-9.4-1.noarch.rpm  
  (esto no sé para qué es)
  yum install postgresql94-server
  yum install postgresql94-devel

Alternative - with database initialization:


  sudo yum install postgresql94-server postgresql94-contrib
  sudo /usr/pgsql-9.4/bin/postgresql94-setup initdb

In .bash_profile add

  export PGHOST=localhost

to make pg start on system boot:

  sudo chkconfig postgresql-9.4 on

Failed to build gem native extension installing postgres

If bundle install and gem install pg -v '0.18.1' raises ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension …. Cannot find pg_config file

  gem install pg -- --with-pg-config=/usr/pgsql-9.4/bin/pg_config

Problem: bundling cloned app:

ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. checking for pg_config… no No pg_config… trying anyway. If building fails, please try again with –with-pg-config=/path/to/pg_config checking for libpq-fe.h… no Can't find the 'libpq-fe.h header


  bundle config build.pg --with-pg-config=/usr/pgsql-9.4/bin/pg_config

Start/stop postgres --- fedora

sudo /bin/systmctl start/stop postgresql

Postgres Service control

To control the database service, use:

  service postgresql-9.4 <command>

where <command> can be:

  start : start the database
  stop : stop the database
  restart : stop/start the database; used to read changes to core configuration files
  reload : reload pg_hba.conf file while keeping database running 
  sudo service postgresql-9.4 start

Reset password

Edit pg_hba.conf en ubuntu: sudo nano /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf en fedora: /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf change or add line …

local all postgres  trust sameuser

Restart postgres

/etc/init.d/postgresql-8.3 restart

Full removal of Postgres

sudo apt-get --purge remove postgresql\*
sudo apt-get remove pgadmin3
sudo rm -rf /etc/postgresql/
sudo rm -r /etc/postgresql-common/
sudo rm -r /var/lib/postgresql/
sudo userdel -r postgres
sudo groupdel postgres


Source: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/app-pg-ctl.html

/usr/lib/postgresql/9.4/bin/pg_ctl start -D data_directory
/usr/lib/postgresql/9.4/bin/pg_ctl stop
/usr/lib/postgresql/9.4/bin/pg_ctl restart -D data_directory

Query for data directory:

postgres=# SHOW data_directory;
=>        data_directory        
postgres=# select setting from pg_settings where name = 'data_directory';

Postgres Errors

Error messages:

User not found in pg_hba.conf

  psql: FATAL:  no pg_hba.conf entry for host "[local]", user "couling", database "main", SSL off

User failed password auth:

  psql: FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "couling"

Missing unix socket file:

  psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
    Is the server running locally and accepting
    connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?

Unix socket exists, but server not listening to it.

  psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused
    Is the server running locally and accepting
    connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?

Bad file permissions on unix socket file:

  psql: could not connect to server: Permission denied
    Is the server running locally and accepting
    connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?

Environment vars

$ export KEY=value
> ENV["KEY"] => "value"

Production env vars



SECRET_KEY_BASE= (see below)


bundle exec rake db:version

Carrierwave in production:

config.serve_static_assets = true

Start rails server

APP_DATABASE_PASSWORD=password rails s -b -p 3000

production secret_key_base generation


$ RAILS_ENV=production rake secret > clave.txt

In one of these files…

$ vi ~/.bash_profile
$ vi ~/.bash_login
$ vi ~/.profile

… add at the end opening the file clave.txt (in vi :r)

export SECRET_KEY_BASE=clave

Restart console to check:



npm install -g bower

bash file to start rails server

File name: start_activity_logger.sh

Execute with: ./start_activity_logger.sh

#!/bin/bash --login
cd ~/projects/activity_logger/
rvm gemset use activity_logger
rails s -p 3001

To execute on boot, put it in /etc/init.d and there execute:

sudo update-rc.d startactivitylogger.sh defaults